Adv. programming for DB apps.

FIT5059 – Adv. Prog. for DB Applications Week 1

David Taniar presented the first lecture for DB App Dev. Again we covered the usual first week formalities.

The lecture consisted of a refresher in SQL. For this I can refer back to the FIT9019 course (http://mchost/?category_name=database-technology)

This subject will be using Oracle databases and software. Installation of Oracle Express is free and straight forward:

To access of Oracle services at Monash, connection via the Monash VPN must be completed. Instructions for this can be found here: . I did have some issues connecting to the Oracle DBs at Monash through the VPN last year, but have been assured that it is doable.

The lecture covered all the basic SQL tools and David suggested that we could do everything that we needed in the subject with relatively simple SQL queries.

Oracle Text Book
Prescribed text for the subject

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